Friday, March 18, 2016

Victoria Garnett, Weekly Artist Post, 3/21/2016

Kyle Thomas 

First off, I had been looking for new and young photographers who takes self-portraits and I found the perfect photographer, Kyle Thomas on a site called petapixel. His work is breath taking and inspiring. I had always wanted to work on a project that included myself and I did last semester, but however, I want to expand this project to something bigger.

Kyle Thomas has a style that is bold unique and is executing his skill outstandingly. I don't even know where to start to talk about his work. His work is extreme! The compositions are on point and an individual can tell a lot of thought and effort went behind his work. His unusual subjects bring about this poetic feel that I am really into.

The Second photo is my favorite. He careful scoped out this location and decided he wanted to place these ships like so and lay himself down in this puddle. Some may think that self-portraits are easy and can be done effortless, however that is NOT the case at all they are actually really hard to compose and can take forever to finish. If you continue to check out his work you will see the great lengths he went to creating his work. There is a photo where he set himself on fire....


  1. I love these. Very interesting style. It is definitely extreme!
    His overall treatment of the photos is really well done. His color treatment helps with the overall feel of the photos too. It really helps unify his work.

  2. Very interesting photographs! Love his use of color and composition. Definitely bold and courageous of him to say the least to expose himself to harm for a stunning image! I believe the best photographers are the ones who took the greatest risks. The image with the hands and arms is something so odd and creepy about it that I want to recreate it haha.

  3. His use of color is amazing! I can only imagine how these were composed, I bet the subjects were terrified!
