Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Catherine Meadows Weekly Post 8

Hong Kong- Night

Michael Wolf was born in Munich, Germany and currently lives in Hong Kong. He grew up in the United States but later on went back to Germany to study Photography. He became a photo journalist and worked in Asia for a few years. He has also published more than 13 photo books.

Wolf focuses his work primarily on city life. He documents architecture in a way that makes the viewer see things in a completely different perspective. In the above series, his night shots of Hong Kong, he does an excellent job eliminating the sky and ground in each shot. By getting rid of the sky and ground, he creates an abstract effect that seems to flatten the image.

I personally love Michael Wolf's work. I find his architectural shots especially interesting to look at. It's something I haven't quite seen before. But I've noticed that it reminds me of both Andreas Gursky and Edward Burtynsky in a way. When looking at all of Wolf's work, I find it amazing the variety of perspectives that he is able to give in each series.


  1. I have always been fascinated by buildings at night - the way they are divided into little cubes, some of which are lit and some of which are dark. It always makes me think of each little cube as its own little world, and leads me to wonder what is happening in each of them, and to wonder about connections among them. For me, the feeling is usually one of isolation, which makes images like this very poignant. Thanks for sharing!

  2. He's one of my favorite photographers! I love his lines and composition to be amazing, and use of color with the lights within the buildings.
