Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bradley Manley Weekly Artist Post

Tim Barber

Tim Barber is a New York photographer who is not only known for fashion photography, but has number of projects and personal work. These three pictures are the beautiful fashion shots from his work for Constance.

These shots not only included the latest fashion they can easily be accepted as fine art with the artist elements Barber has added while making the picture of the model. He combines amazing composition and lighting to get beautiful dramatic shots that showcase not only the fashion but personality as well.

These shots are gorgeous in every aspect. When i look at these photos, i notice the fashion, but i am able to look pass that to see beautiful lighting and the dramatic facial expression of his subject. This allows me to access her emotions and engage with the fashion aspect.

1 comment:

  1. When I first saw these I was also questioning if this was fine art or for modeling. Really looking into it and seeing the variety of information within each photos relates nicely within the combination of photos. My mind wants to keep making narratives about what is happening.
