Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Catherine Meadows Weekly Post 9

Time of the most adorable blog post ever!

1)  Artist biography and background
Seth Casteel is just an all around awesome individual. He's been volunteering with animal shelters for years now. I've seen this underwater dog series before but I was never able to attach a name to the work. After publishing this series, his career as a lifestyle pet photographer really began. He's been published in National Geographic and New York Times and has appeared on numerous tv shows. He currently lives and works in Venice, CA with his rescue dog, Nala.

2)  Artist’s intent, thematic and technical choices
Seth Casteel is super passionate about helping animals, so we'd pretty much be best friends if we were to ever meet. With his underwater dog series, I think his intent was the show the hilarity that is a dog's face underwater. Some, if not all of the dogs in this series are ones who at the time were available for adoption. Another intent of his I feel was to show how great and fun adopting a dog can be.

3)  My personal response
I LOVE THIS SERIES. If you know me, then you know I have an enormous love for dogs. For my final project, I'm wanting to do something with animals, specifically homeless animals. I'm still trying to figure out where exactly to go with my final project, so I thought that by researching some photographers who have photographed animals, I'd get some ideas. I may not have gotten an idea from the underwater dog series exactly, but after looking through his website, I was able to learn that he's partnered with a couple groups that focus on photographing homeless animals. Normally, on a animal shelter's website, they'll include fuzzy images of the terrified animals behind a cage. Some people won't look twice at an animal who looks terrified and dirty. What Seth does with these other organizations is he grooms the animals and photographs them in a nice environment, which believe it or not increases their chances of getting adopted. I'd love to do something similar and think that I could with the Peninsula SPCA.

I'd like to end this post with a quote by Seth that can be found on his website:


He's my hero.


  1. I volunteer with the Chesapeake Animal Society and have taken pics of the dogs and cats for their Petfinders website. It's so difficult to get good pictures of them when they're happy and playing - I can't imagine trying to create a series around them being sad :( Good luck with it - I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. This is great! I knowing how passionate you are about animals and wellness make this even more awesome. Im so glad to see who the actual photographer is because I believe I have seen his work floating around of Facebook with no credit! (mad face). But the way he captures the emotions of the dogs is perfect. Surely everyone can relate to the difficulties capturing animal photos are to begin with and such a creative way to do so!

  3. I've seen this book in Barnes & Noble, and laughed at it for hours. You should checkout "Find Momo" also!
