Monday, March 14, 2016

Christian Moll Weekly Artist Post

Thomas Peschak

Thomas Peschak is an assignment photographer for National Geographic Magazine and the Director od Conservation for the Save our Seas Foundation. Peschak became an environmental photojournalist after realizing that he could have a greater conservation impact with photographs than statistics. He Strives to merge photojournalism and cutting edge science to create powerful media projects that tackle some of the most critical marine conservation issues of our time.

I admire Peschak's photographs and what they stand for. His work is bring light to issues that not many people are familiar with. Showing the horrors of how many sharks are killed just for there fins, which has been going on for many years and needs to be stopped. Peschak has helped improve this problem through his photographs, by showing the problems it creates but also show how peaceful sharks are and how they can live next to man peacefully.

Peschak's work has inspired me in many different ways. I have always been fascinated by the ocean and what lives within it. I have the utmost respect for the ocean and marine life, and have always been involved in some way by cleaning up beaches, protecting marine life, and keeping the ocean clean. I want to some how bring light to these problems with my photography and tie my interest with light painting to make a difference with these problems we face in the world today.

1 comment:

  1. I think there's a LOT to be said for images that remind us of just how beautiful our world is - as you imply, they can help inspire people to work together for positive change. And within that general category of work, people who can take animals that we typically fear and/or loathe (sharks for sure; also wolves historically, snakes, bats, etc.) and turn them into animals people love and care about enough to try to help preserve deserve a special place in heaven (as far as I'm concerned). I will look forward to seeing what you come up with!
