Sunday, February 21, 2016

Victoria Garnett, Artist Post 6 , Edward Burtynsky "Water Series", 2/22/2016

Edward Burtynsky

Xiaolongdi Dam #1, Yellow River, Henan Province, China. 2011. Digital Chromagenic Print. 

This photo grabbed my attention immediately. For one, the large scale print with this massive explosion of water shooting out, gives the viewer the feeling of being in the moment. I can only imagine putting myself in Burtynsky's shoes, imagining what he felt as he was making is photographs of the moments on the dam. I can imagine the excitement and the racing of his heart as he composing  himself  to make the shot he wants. This image takes me to time when an idea sprouts out of nowhere or a time when I am feeling hurried or rushed. The decision to make this photo black and white I feel was a great decision because it leaves it up to the viewer to add the colors of thoughts and ideas. How this image relates to the next image, is all in the moods in which each photo gives off. 

 For example...   

Xiaolangdi Dam #3, Yellow River, Henan Province, China, 2011. Digital Chromogenic Print. 

The swaying of the mist and water of the dam gives me the feeling of calm in the distortion.  This image closely resembles a painting. It is so beautiful and aside from the beauty it takes you somewhere deep into your thoughts. Whether it be the concern for waters scarcity or a personal thought that isn't related to that topic of water at all.  

Oil Spill #5 Q4000 Drilling Platform, Gulf of Mexico,USA, 2010. Digital Chromogenic print

This image to me is very powerful. As all of his water images tie into his concern for water, this image to me shows how  large bodies of water experience the hardships that is dropped upon it caused by humans and climate change. To me it shows the beauty of his photography that attracts the attention to a major issue. The rainbow in the center of the flame could be symbolic to a beautiful disaster.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I think his photos not only show action, but I bet it's a thrilling to take these photographs with him also.
