Sunday, February 7, 2016

Brandon Mabrouk- Artist Post 4

Gordon Parks was a photo journalist that was prominent in the 1940's through the 1970's. He was the first African American to photograph the civil rights movement, also to produce a major motion picture relating to African American hardships. These photos symbolize the moments that African American men and women suffered through this era. This was a powerful but effective movement that gave African Americans the opportunity to express their feelings and end segregation.

There are so many other photographs that Gordon Parks made to capture the moments that were most effective during the civil rights movement. The spectacular thing about the photographs are he captured them in the midst of protests or simply an African American living their everyday life. Parks experienced some hardships being an African American photographer. What he documented was historical and is still admired in this day and age, he had the courage to capture the difficulties African Americans were going through.

As a student of photography, I admire Gordon Parks for giving me the opportunity to view this powerful movement, as it affected a lot of people. Segregation Story is a prime example of African Americans of all ages and genders witnessing the downfall of the civil rights movement in the 1960's and how it diminished as time went on. It is spectacular to view these images to compare to the era we live in now. His work sends powerful messages to not only the African American communities but every individual. It allows each and every one of us to appreciate the equalities that are represented throughout the day and age.


  1. I came upon this photographer myself. It brought me beck to what I heard in one of my beginning photo class, "Is it okay to capture it?" I feel like this is something that must have crossed his mind when making these photos. He touched on such a heavy subject matter so well and delicate. I can see why his photos became a viewpoint of the time.

  2. His color photographs are so powerful but then when you look at his black and white photographs. wowza. Incredibly strong and impactful images

  3. These photographs really bring home what a powerful medium we are working in, and how potent it can be as a force for change. I think that's something we can take pride in, but also need to be humble about - or maybe a better way to put it is that we need to think carefully about the images we put out in there in the world. This is wonderful work!

  4. Gordon Parks is my favorite photographer of all time!! I admire his courage and ability to capture these photographs of such a hard time for African Americans in out countries history. I feel like these photos are not shown enough. His photos are proof of what African Americans had to do to fight for equality and someone who is interested in knowing more about African American history these photos are surly a good start.
