Sunday, February 14, 2016

Anna Luker Post 5

Adrian Mueller 

Something recently I found myself doing this week was exploring textures and details, more specifically in the kitchen. I have been wanting to use my macro lens attachment and was interested in the way the bubbles fizz to the top of the mix drink I had made. This led me to start exploring a different side of photographer I particularly don't look at. I found Adrian Mueller and his work in phenomenal. Exactly what I had envisioned food/drink photographer to look like. So elegant and his pictures are so captivating.  

Mr. Mueller started off as a student studying architectural engineering. Like a lot of people trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives usually take a but of a left turn. He was drawn to photography because it encompassed a lot of similarities to architecture. Spent time traveling all over the world obtaining different influences and cultures. His approach to photography is reduce it to the essences of craftsmanship and simplicity. Which a lot of the best photographs ever made were sometimes the most simplistic. 

He has spent the last 20 years living in New York and refining his skill.

Red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar and olive oil

Red wine vinegar, olive oil


  1. I took to these because of their texture. I often notice textures throughout everyday life and think to myself that they would make excellent photos. I think the main goal of photographers is to show those who don't capture the world all of the beautiful things they may overlook. I also love the use of color.

  2. This automatically made me think of Pop Art in the 1950's and 60's. Primarily because of the colors and he has a simple way of composing a photo and making all of the elements be arranged in a certain way to make the viewer think differently.

  3. These photographs have an extremely controled use of color through out them. This makes them work extremely well together in a series.
