Sunday, February 7, 2016

Catherine Meadows Weekly Post 4


1) what are the artist’s technical choices?
Lighting is key in Philip's work, at least it is in this series in particular. In each photo, light plays a significant role in conceptually creating the work.
2) what are the artist’s conceptual and/or thematic intents?
From what I read in the article, these models were men who had sex with whomever in exchange for money. It seems that Philip was trying to show that in a country where everyone is considered "free", it's not really the case for everyone, especially these models. They often had no place to sleep and no food to eat. The quote below from Philip really explains his intentions very well. These men were not free and believed that they were just another "thing to be consumed."

these were men who portrayed themselves as a product, in a city that sells fantasy, violence and sex. As if they were one more thing to be consumed, in a country that says we are the freest on earth, especially if that’s what you desire: fantasy and violence and sex. (…) "
3) how do you respond to these choices and intents?   
We've briefly discussed Philip-Lorca diCorcia's work in class one day and I remember how intrigued I was by his what I saw. The series of his that I decided to post about in this week's blog is titled "Transactions." I'm not gonna lie, now that I know that our next project is to appropriate an artist we've talked about in our blog, that played a part in me choosing Philip. Although I see nothing wrong with me doing that. I in no way think that his work is easy to appropriate!! I know if I choose to appropriate him, I'm going to have a challenge on my hands. I'm just in love with how he has lit the photos in this series in particular and I would love to be able to create something that looks anything close to what he has made. I've also been wanting to practice portraits more because I never usually include people in my work.


  1. I think that this collection of pictures are incredible and agree that light plays a key role. I find that very interesting the concept behind these pictures and think this artist would a very good choice for our next project.

  2. It's as if he takes them and makes them feel just as awkward as the person whom they had sex with. For instance, the open door on a closed deed.

  3. His use of light natural and not natural light is amazing!!!! It makes the color really pop in his photographs
