Sunday, January 24, 2016

Christian Moll Artist Post 2 1/25/16

Guy Tal

Guy Tal is a well renowned outdoor photographer, with his main focus on landscape photography. He enters each shoot with openness, allowing the landscape to provide an inspiration. Tal does an amazing job of capturing the vivid colors in nature. His emphasizes the importance of starting an image with a concept of something that stops you in your tracks, and speaks to you even if if not yet obvious what that something is. 
Guy Tal uses a large format camera when making his photographs. When he isn't making photographs Guy teaches photography workshops. One of his main points of teaching is the role of the creative photographer and his way to find a way of expressing through a composition of visual elements, line, form, color, tone, etc. Tal does a great job of stressing how it should be important to the photographer to want  to capture and share photos that send a message, feeling, statement, or a metaphor. 
Tal's A Closer Look series really caught my eye. I found the series to really capture the dazzling colors that nature has to offer. The abstractness of the photos really inspire me to make more colorful photos and stop to take a second closer look at things. I really enjoy the up close textures and bright colors of his photos. 

Powerpoint Presentation: While putting my powerpoint together I realized that I tend to make more landscape and close up abstract photographs. I really want to strengthen my portrait skills this semester and be able to graduate having well rounded skills in all areas of photography. 

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