Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Brandon Mabrouk- Weekly post #2

Reginald Van de Velde is a photographer who captures main theme parks that are abandoned. He has explored many theme parks in Europe, but his visit to Japan was far more amusing than he expected. There are three major theme parks on Japan, Nara Dreamland, Western Village and Family Land. he explored these amusement parks and captured some fascinating photos. 

A great portion of these theme parks were abandoned because of the number of low visitors and the location they were in. They resembled american theme parks such as Disneyland and Universal Studios. Van De Velde toured each theme park and gives the viewer a chance to see the remains of rollercoasters and other miscellaneous items that are decaying. 

What interests me is the way Van De Velde captured the photos, all of his photographs are dormant structures that have incredible detail and were once fathomed by large numbers of people. There is a melancholy atmosphere in each photograph in which the viewer should recognize. Also capturing the gratifying angles make the photographs a lot more interesting.

In my presentation I introduced what made me comfortable, I try to look for an inspiration in my photography so maybe someone can relate to it. I believe there is a lot of room for improvement, being able to capture a photo with the correct composition and lighting is my main focus no matter what the subject is. I look forward to learning more about the craft, if I can improve it will make me  a lot more confident then I am now. 


  1. I'm sure everyone has been images of abandoned buildings too many times to count. It is very interesting to see it done with amusement parks. The different perspective in the images are very captivating.

  2. These images remind me so much of the set of I Am Legend with Will Smith, it's so weird to me to think that so many times areas that are so full of life and people are now marked with complete abandon. And he totally is able to capture that in his photographs!

  3. His images are so captivating! His composition in the 3rd photograph is greatly executed. Your eye follows the track from the bottom of the photo all the way until your follows the swirl that the track makes. Even though the amusement park is abandoned and lifeless, in a way it still feels alive in his photos.

  4. This images are so thought provoking. The scale of these projects, the time, money, and ingenuity that was invested only to be abandoned to nature. The series is very strong and makes me want to take a road trip to photograph some myself.
