Monday, January 27, 2014

Sentences on Conceptual Art

"If the artist changes his mind midway through the execution of the piece he compromises the result and repeats past results."

As soon as I read this a quote by Mark Twain came to mind that says "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got." A successful artist is one who not only produces quality work, but also that there is variety within that work. If I continue to produces bodies of work that only consist of flowers solely because that is what I'm "good at" or that's what I prefer to shoot, I am not pushing myself to be a potentially great photographer. Stepping out of the comfort zone is scary, but it can also lead to beautiful discoveries. Success isn't something that comes naturally, and the process calls for all kinds of trials and errors. The failures are not something to dwell on, but rather a lesson and an insight to alternate concepts. From there, head in another unfamiliar direction with a new way of thinking and continue to practice what you know while introducing new techniques into your routine. No idea is too crazy and anyone who says otherwise is speaking from a spiteful place, because chances this crazy idea could be pretty awesome. Not everyone thinks exactly the same for a reason, and if they did the world would be devoid of inspiration, let alone art itself. Don't focus so much on the destination, or in this case the final product, but enjoy the journey and detours along the way. 

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