Monday, January 27, 2014

Gregory Crewdson

The photographer I chose is one I learned about in my Photo 2 class. We watched a documentary about Gregory Crewdson and his process and I was absolutely fascinated. The images he produces call for hours upon hours of planning, acting upon, and adjusting the scene Crewdson wants to create. These scenes come from his dreams and are executed in a way that looks genuine and real. While on the contrary the process can take quite some time and even after the scene is set a perfect moment still has to take place. An example of this was in the first image below. They had the scene lit perfectly, the mother posed as instructed by Crewdson and everything set, except the baby would not stop crying because it was cold. They tried rocking the baby to relax it, hoping it would eventually fall asleep. After a few hours the team came up with the idea to put a heating pad underneath the comforter. The baby fell right asleep and they were able to get the perfect image. I like the irony in all of this because even when you have the means to create and manipulate a scene exactly how you see it, there will still always be unforeseen hinderances. When they arise, we can't just throw away all the work we've done thus far, but instead take a step back and think of another solution. Upon discovering it, the satisfaction will be great and you will now have gained a new experience that will in some way help you further down the road in your career.

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