Friday, April 1, 2016

Christian Moll Weekly Artist Post


Miquel Llonch was born in 1963 and is from Terrassa, Spain, which is an outside suburb of Barcelona. This is where Llonch has made most of his photographs, especially his In the Fields of Gold series. He started this series in 2005, photographing the surrounding areas of his hometown. Llonch has had a special fondness for the fragile spaces that live threatened by construction and urban growth. They mark the frontiers between city and nature, light and darkness, noise and silence.

I really admire his photos and the passion behind them. For me, I can directly relate to where Llonch is coming from. We take to many things for granted these days. Sooner or later the things and places that create a sense of serenity will be gone. We need to take the stand and conserve these natural wonders such as our beaches. At night when i'm doing my long exposure photography and im outside under the natrual light of the moon my feelings become more important me.Its gives way to a world of imagination, that can be expressed through my photography. Turning the obvious into mysterious and the real into unreal for the viewers interpretation while having a concrete base for the meaning is what i'm trying to portray through my photos.


  1. I love that each photo offers something different. The different tones give different emotions, and also a different sense of place.

  2. Also being someone who has done a lot of night photography, I know the feeling.
    These are simply beautiful exposures though. That third image just blew me away. He also uses light pollution wonderfully.

  3. It's interesting to see you chose a photographer with amazing lighting because it seems to reflect from your own work also! (your huge interest with lighting!)
