Amelia Bauer shows an incredible strength in colors and textures and really captures the characters of her subjects. She exemplifies the colors of her still life photos of plants and food. I believe she uses a studio space with extraordinary color filters to illuminate her objects. These photos come from her series titled, "Book of Shadows." In another series, "Burned Over," she travels to eerie landscapes and sets a magnificent light in the background so the lights pour through the trees and brush, lighting up the entirety of the photo. I literally got shivers as I scrolled through her images. Another one of her series titled, "Smoke Signals," she incorporates the organic characters of both smoke amongst the trees and she develops a relationship between the two. I absolutely love her work and the lengths that she goes through to achieve beautiful photos. I would love to be able to reach her level of skill in terms of the great lighting and being able to stage landscapes in the most eerily beautiful way.

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