The Afghan Girl

Steve McCurry's work focuses on individuals he encounters during his travels in a documentary style. He studied film at Pennsylvania State University, worked for a newspaper for a few years, and moved to India. After reading about his adventures, I learned that his career began when disguised himself in native garb and crossed the Pakistan border into Afghanistan, before the Russian invasion. I've always been interested and amazed by his famous photograph "The Afghan Girl" that he had taken of a very striking young woman in 1984 and many years later finds her again and photographs her and her family.
McCurry is dedicated to his passion and captures a moment perfecting, as he waits patently for the right thing to shoot. He stated, "If you wait people will forget your camera and the soul will drift up in to view". His quote makes perfect sense because I had figured that out during our last assignment. He loves vibrant colors and I am pretty sure that is was drew him to the Afghan girls piercing green eyes. In other photos like the one one with the boy running and the blue walls and red hand prints is a great example of one of his works of color. I've noticed that in a lot of his work he has the individual he is focusing on, is in the center of his composition.His photography makes me feel alive and in the moment with him. I can understand why he chooses to take a photograph of the subjects that he makes photographs of.
I looked at each and every one of his gallery photos and they were amazing! His work encourages you to venture off into the world and capture beautiful photos. His "Eloquence of the eye" series is beautiful, seems that he captures the personal features of these humans and they are being expressive in their own way.