Saul Leiter's bold strokes of color through his photographs string together his work and unifies it across the board. Whether it is a picture of a person or a picture of he texture of the wall or glass, because of the color in it I can tell that it is his work. Leiter is one of the first color photographers in the 50's. His work stood out so much that he still today is making an impact on the photograph community. People in our time have mimicked his use of color in their photographs and because of his influence many photographers have works that are so incredibly strong that they are hard to go against.
In today's society because color photography is so easily accessible it is hard to notice the impact that his work not only had on the photography world but as well as the everyday viewer. People couldn't help but feel attracted to his photographs with the vivid color that he had its hard not to be since your eyes had been trained to just see black and white.
His work has a strong and unified voice unlike many other photographers. I would love for my work to one day be like his. I would love to have the unified body of work that he has and when people look at my work they know its me! It's incredible to me that literally by his pallet people know its his.
Leiter's inspiring work was the beginning of the color movement and what a joy it is to see someone that's work that is older still be able to shine today.
Wow. I was immediately drawn to his use of color and reflections. It is beautiful how he turns an usually ordinary surrounding such interesting imagery.