Brian DeLaurenti and Jonathan Dahl
The Gay Beards
Brian DeLaurenti and Jonathan Dahl are Portland based artists that have known each other since they were children. Twenty years later and being the best of friends they wanted to take on a bold, but whimsical project that reflected their sexuality and friendship all in one. Since teaming up in 2014, it has taken them over a year and a half to complete the project and their pictures together range from splatter paint, glitter, roses, legos, and even cheese puffs. When asked what their motivation behind the piece they simply said to spread joy in the world where negativity is to common; furthermore, in relation to their sexuality, they wanted to encourage others to be less fearful of accepting themselves.
These pictures accomplish exactly what these two artists had intended on putting out to the world and so much more. They seem almost effortless, but in reality we can all imagine how much time it took to cover your entire beard in glitter and how much more time was taken to take it all out, but the message behind the piece is what is so encouraging. These men are putting their sexuality out there and not caring how people perceive them. They could care less. Instead, they are striving to be a beacon of light for anyone struggling with their sexuality and basically telling them its okay and it's okay to enjoy life. These pictures are personal, they make you laugh, and as the artist say, "Beardspiration!"
Formally, the repetition is really calming about each and every photo and how it forces you to look around the page. The viewer gets to have a slight chuckle before they really dive into the photo and breakdown the elements. Their eyes pierce you with all seriousness and the viewer reflects from one individual back to the other and then back again. The way it was composed is very enjoyable because they are becoming one in the photo. They take all extra noise out of the picture, put themselves directly in the middle, and its creates a compelling image with an intense purpose!
I love this guy and his work!! The subjects of beards is hilarious and light and I LOVE it!!!!!!!