Sunday, April 10, 2016

Catherine Meadows Weekly Post 12

Avoid Highways

Okay so I absolutely love everything about this series. I was initially interested in looking at this series because I was curious of the title Avoid Highways.

So basically this series contains shots of sights that he saw while taking a road trip. When using his GPS, he chose the option "avoid highways" so that he had to take back roads to get to where he was going. By taking less common roads, he stumbled upon all these strange yet beautiful things.

Andrew Knapp is more commonly known for his "Find Momo" series, which is how I discovered him in the first place. In the Find Momo series, he travels all around the world with his dog, Momo, and takes beautiful photos with his dog hidden somewhere in it. Since starting this series, he's published two Find Momo books that are similar to the Where's Waldo books.

I chose the Avoid Highways series for my blog post because I loved the variety and oddness that it contained. It has a great concept behind it- the concept being to photograph what he saw when traveling on roads that are not commonly driven on. And the photographs themselves are beautiful in my opinion. With his portraits, he chooses to place the subject directly in the middle, which normally bugs me, but doesn't with this series. His inclusion of still lives and various landscape shots add to the oddity that I get from it. We would never see anything like a row of colored horse statues on any normal mapped out route, and that's really what I love most about this. I'd love to try this project over the summer sometime and photograph whatever I stumble upon.


  1. Goes to show what you can find if you take the time. I like that his subjects vary and feel as though we are on a journey with him.

  2. I really love this series because the images are not the cliched pictures we often see of rural road trips - old diners, people on rocking chairs on their front porches, etc. Knapp clearly has a great imagination and sense of humor that comes through his images. I wasn't able to find the rest of the series on his website, though, which made me sad :( His other work, though, is amazing!
