Sunday, April 10, 2016

Brandon Mabrouk- Artist Post 4/11/2016

Ray Collins is coined as the worlds best water photographer as he has captured some of the most amazing photos of waves. In this series "Seastills" he has made images of ocean waves at their highest peak. The huge mountains of water with the beautiful sky in the background is what makes this series so dramatic. Collins began making photos of his friends surfing, then became fascinated with the variations of waves and how they can be captured at certain times with different textures. Every photo is captured at the perfect time, for the viewer to see the wave in action. He has received a great amount of recognition from National Geographic, Forbes, and the Huffington Post. Each and every photo that is apart of the "Seastill" series is beautiful. Im curious as to what exactly his editing process is because they almost look unreal on certain photos. 

I chose Collins work because of my choice of shooting water is an extremely difficult task and I applaud him for making it look so easy. Time is an affective tool when capturing water. Daylight can alter how the water would look against the textures of the waves and so can the lighting in the evening. It is definitely inspiring and can give me more ideas to help me move forward with my final series. 


  1. I love how these water forms take on the representation of land forms. Some water photography can get pretty repetitive but these all give a different ora.

  2. I think this is a great way for you to challenge yourself. Sea stills are incredible and I'm sure a hard shot to take, particularly from the vantage this photographer had. These remind me of my sea days, so I will be looking more into this photographer for sure whenever I feel nostalgic.
